Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hockey Season...Just the Begininng

Hockey season officially started this weekend. Between my two hockey playing boys (and not including my husband) they had five games scheduled. Plenty of time to see some good old fashioned crazy hockey mama behavior.

I have to say the first four games only gave me a glimpse of bad behavior from the hockey parents. And perhaps, I was one of the worst offenders. I told everyone I was turning over a new leaf this year. I'm gonna be quiet. I normally have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it but I decided it would be good to take a vow of silence...only cheering for our team and not talking smack to anyone else.

Last night our U16aa team played a team from Charlotte. There are a couple of teams I really don't enjoy watching our kids play, this is one of those teams. It's not because of the level of play or the intensity with which the game is played, it's the parents. They chap my hide and get under my skin. They whine about every call. They cheer when our kids get penalties. They cheer when their kids take cheap shots. I don't like it. It sets my teeth on edge.

Last night was no different. The opposing team was soundly beating our kids. When the score was 5-1 one of their kids took a cheap shot at one of our players and was called for it, as they should have been. The only question surrounding the call, in my mind, was whether is should have been a check from behind or an interference.

Their parents loudly questioned the call...whining, whining, whining.

"Hey, Ref...what was that call for?"

"That's a stupid call!"

All I heard, in my hockey mama head, was "wah, wah, wah...our kid was innocent. He's an angel..." What a bunch of bullshit. Let your kid take his punishment and go sit in the sin bin to cool down. Their continued whining got my hackles raised so when they kept questioning the call, I finally broke my vow of silence (I kept that vow for a long time, huh?) and let the opposing team's parents that our player was hit from behind. The refs actually called interference call but I was still hoping for the lovely check from behind pentalty which have taken their player out of the game for a good, long time.

I re-took my vow of silence and watched the end of the game on my best behavior.

It was after the game that we saw her!  SPIDERWOMAN WAS AT OUR RINK!  The crazy hockey mama who scales the glass, shouting obscentities at the refs and tells other hockey mamas to shut their pie holes. She blew by us and as she stalked off in the other direction all I could hear in my head was the song for The Wicked Witch of the West...

Luckily, I think our boys play her kid's team in just a little while.  I'll keep you posted on any good hockey mama drama but I will stick to my vow of silence this game so she will be the one who looks like the crazy hockey mama.